Why “Yoga For Abundance” is spot on in today’s world.


Glossing over Twitter’s triggering landscape the other day, I couldn’t help but wonder:

Is “Yoga for Abundance” appropriate in times like these when people all over the globe are feeling CUT SHORT on so many levels? Or should I feel awkward about organising an abundance themed yoga retreat?

After one deep breath I knew the answer. It’s not appropriate at all!

Creating AWARENESS of how to allow TRUE abundance into your life - abundance of health, wealth, joy, creativity, wisdom, you name it - is spot on!

It’s absof*inglutely…superabundantly…CRUCIAL right now!

Why? Well…ask yourself this: how often are you triggered into believing that we’ll all run out of recourses any day soon now? No more gas, no more money, no more toiletpaper?

And on a daily basis, how often DO YOU trigger you into believing you’re not enhough either, lacking this and missing that?

In a world screaming “scarcity!” louder every day, it’s no wonder our minds are mainly focused on what’s NOT.

So I believe it’s high time to turn the tables. Get CLARITY on abundance and be done with the MENTALITY OF LACK. Wouldn’t you agree? >>>


Having been around for a while, I feel strongly scarcity is an illusion, matrix made, and long overdue. LACK MENTALITY has been clouding our human experiences for centuries, dripping down from generation to generation, creating fear and blindfolding us to what the whole human experience is actually created for:

Living an abundant and sensual life.

Even yoga communities and spiritual teachers aren’t always FREE of lack consciousness.

So yes, I believe ABUNDANCE AWARENESS is very appropriate. Especially TODAY.

This is why I’m passionate about exploring the topic of ABUNDANCE with you in my upcoming blogs and during the next Yoga For Abundance Retreat October 2022 in the Algarve (I still have room for you if you haven’t booked yet!).

Because when it comes to abundance, most of us actually don’t have a clue. So surprise, surprise, we struggle with it!

Some think it’s based on their net worth or laws of attraction. Others think that you can only gain it by squeezing it out of someone else. And if you’re into Twitter, you might feel abundance is only available for a tiny elite.

Until not too long ago, I myself had a very unclear idea of abundance believing I could affirm or CHANT my way into it while subconsciously feeling chronically UNWORTHY of receiving it. Self-contradictory, right?

Despite decades of yoga, I was still struggling with lack issues.

Until I finally came to the REALIZATION of what abundance is actually based on. Then everything started to change.

I realised abundance isn’t just for the happy few. Neither is it dependent on anything outside of my own consciousness. No matter how the outside world seems to be falling short, abundance is my natural right. My creation.

The same is true for YOU!

Your own history might have given you a different idea though…(Iike mine has). Maybe you’ve often felt cheated out of abundance thinking you’re born under the wrong star sign (Been there).

Maybe, despite your efforts, you’ve given up on abundance a long time ago believing it’s just not in the cards for you (Done that).

Or maybe, baby… you feel abundance isn’t a good thing to allow yourself as a spiritual seeker. That it takes away from others and you DO NOT want to be selfish (Bought the T-shirt).

Listen. I hear you! I’ve lived through ALL the mix-ups about abundance and the SELF SABOTAGE of my natural flow. I’ve even used YOGA as an excuse to stay “safe” yet stuck in lack.

So I can spot the “NO-ABUNDANCE-ALLOWED” mouse traps a mile away!

And I can tell you this, there’s no need for you to live short of ANYTHING, Unless you want to. Unless there’s something about staying INVESTED in lack that you enjoy.

Do you? I know I did… >>>


No, naturally I didn’t enjoy feeling guilty and ashamed for always running on empty, scraping for money, failing relationships, and missing out on a passion for life. But I did feel “safer” not being successful, financially or otherwise.

But in some twisted way I did enjoy NOT OWNING my happiness or abundance. It felt easier, familiar, and less confrontational. HUGE eye-opener!

That was the moment I decided “NO MORE OF THAT!”. From now on the only thing I will lack is lack itself.

So if this is the point you’re at now…JAY! You were meant to read this blog!

If you’re ready to go on an abundance awareness adventure to overturn your lack, stay tuned. Or better yet, join the Abundant Algarve Retreat this month!

I can’t wait to share more of my personal stories to inspire you and others to step out of the lack trap and teach you how YOGA can help unbutton unapologetically abundance in your life.

Let the Dark Ages of Lack be over! (Are you cheering with me right now?).

And to kick off the new era, I hereby crown October the month of Abundance.

In the comments below, I’m interested to hear from you:

What’s your relation to abundance right now?

Do you feel guilty or ashamed when you have a good thing going when other’s don’t? Feel paralysed and overwhelmed when abundance is knocking at your door? Or do you belief abundance isn’t a good thing…

Feel free to share, I know for a fact you’re not alone in this!

Then I challenge you to check in with yourself regularly to feel where you’re holding back on our abundance. Maybe start an Abundance diary!

Because let’s get real. The louder the world screams “scarcity”, the more essential it becomes to get CLARITY on personal abundance.

Your abundance matters, now more than ever. So let’s, you and I both, never hold back again!

Saying ciao ciao for now, your dedicated advocate for abundance,
